Tag Archives: Love

Inspire Someone…

“One word expresses the pathway to greatness: voice.

Those on this path find their voice and inspire others to find theirs. The rest never do.”

Each of us have someone that we look up to. These inspiring individuals are the ones who help us recognize our full potential.

We admire them because they have chosen the “path of greatness”. They have found their voice and have inspired others to find theirs. They have become mentors to those around them.

Mentoring is a way to influence another person. To mentor is to be a wise and trusted advisor, counselor, and trusted friend. Mentoring is a way to inspire someone through teaching.

At Mentors International, we believe that MENTORING is a key part of the equation in fulfilling our mission, which is to give a “Hand Up not a HandOut“.

We want our clients to have the dignity of becoming self-reliant.

This is what makes us different; each client has a mentor who guides them through the beginnings of starting a business. Our clients all have a talent that drives their passion, and part of our mentoring process is unlocking that talent to help them become inspired businessmen and women.

We want to inspire entrepreneurs to become successful and self-reliant.

We want them to be able to survive and to live a happy, healthy life.

This is our mission.

You can inspire someone too.

Who is someone in your life that has inspired your success?

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Filed under Make a Difference, mentoring, microloans, nonprofit, poverty, Self-Reliance, service, social entrepreneur